Indian Land SC Child Photographer | Bennick is One / by Kelli Conley

It really is a small world and I find this more and more true every day. My sister who lives in Southern California (where I grew up and all my family still lives) met Bennick's grandmother while working at Starbucks in California. Through some course of talking she mentioned that her son lived in Indian Land, South Carolina so my sister mentioned me and that I was a photographer. So she got her son and daughter in law a photo shoot for Christmas which was perfect timing as Bennick turned one this February! We had throughout the shoot and Bennick was such a trooper as is started to sprinkle at the end, but he was as happy as could be in his wagon which was also a birthday present from grandma! 2015-03-07_0005.jpg 2015-03-07_0004.jpg 2015-03-07_0006.jpg 2015-03-07_0007.jpg 2015-03-07_0003.jpg

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